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African Folktales and Storytelling - A Cultural Appreciation Course for Humanities Scholars, Storytellers, Writers, and Creators
Course Introduction & Summary
Course Introduction (6:41)
Historical Context and Evolution of African Storytelling Traditions (15:50)
Video Transcript
Types of African Folktales
Types of African Folktales (45:54)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold : The Lion's Dinner
Cultural Diversity in African Folklore
Cultural Diversity in African Folklore (44:22)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold: The Garden of Treasures
Themes and Motifs in African Folktales
Themes and Motifs in African Folktales (20:28)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold: The Elephant Trap
Storytelling Techniques
African Folklore Storytelling Techniques (11:30)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold: The Foolish Rich Man
Adaptation and Interpretation
Adaptation and Interpretation (17:47)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold: The Wonderful Singing Bird
Case Studies and Analysis
Case Studies and Analyses (27:58)
Video Transcript
Case Study: The Biblical Creation Story vs The Yoruba Creation Myth
Case Study: The Baobab Tree vs. The Fountain of Youth
Case Study: The Tale of Dinga Cisse vs. The Epic of Gilgamesh
Case Study: Sundiata an Epic of Old Mali vs The Legend of King Arthur
Case Study: Anansi vs Loki
The Story of the Tale
From Kwaku to Norman!
From Galogalo to Scalliwatty
From the Man and the Snake to Usman and the Leopard
The Future of African Storytelling
The Future of African Storytelling (17:14)
Video Transcript
A Tale Retold: The Forbidden Orange Tree
Related Resources
Books and Ebooks
Audio acknowledgement
Story Acknowledgement
Video Transcript
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